University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP)
UTEP officially opened in the fall of 1914 and is the second oldest institution in The University of Texas System ( Today, it enrolls more than 25,000 students and is designated an R1 university (very high research activity) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, one of only 131 (4.5%) among the 2,883 four-year higher education institutions across the U.S. UTEP serves its primary constituency — residents of far west Texas, southern New Mexico, and northern Mexico — with 72 bachelor’s degree programs, 72 master’s programs and 22 doctoral programs, including a growing portfolio of online degrees. With an 81% Hispanic student population, UTEP proudly reflects the demographic composition of the bi-national region from which it draws the vast majority of its students. Eighty-four percent of students are from El Paso County and 4 percent are Mexican nationals.
UTEP is forging dramatic new directions in higher education. UTEP has become a national model for creating and successfully executing highly competitive academic and research programs while maintaining a deep commitment to serving a 21st century student demographic. It is this dedication to providing access and excellence to students in the region that has resulted in UTEP becoming a top tier research university with a Mexican-American majority student population.
Physics Department
Welcome to the Department of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso! Our department is a thriving, dynamic place to start a career in physics for undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities for research and teaching. Our undergraduate and graduate students actively participate in the exciting computational and experimental research being carried out in the department in various areas such as chemical physics, condensed matter, material science, biophysics, and nuclear theory. Our faculty is dedicated to teaching, research and mentoring. We have faculty members who have won recognition at the university, state and national level for teaching and mentoring.
It is well known that physics training helps students develop careers in different sectors in industry, government, and academia. Our undergraduate program offers concentrations in Applied, Atmospheric, and Medical Physics. Our graduate program offers MS degree in Physics but our faculty also participates in interdisciplinary PhD programs in Computational Science, Materials Science and Engineering, and Environmental Science and Engineering. Our graduate students are offered rigorous, involved training in research that helps them develop knowledge and skills necessary for future career. The department has outstanding research facilities in optical microscopy and spectroscopy, two-photon microscopy, X-ray scattering, material synthesis, and computational facilities. The physics faculty has been successful in seeking external funding to support their students and postdocs.
Dr. Rosa Fitzgerald, Lead Investigator
(915) 747-7530