Virtual 2021 AMS Washington Forum
The AMS Washington Forum provides an important platform to examine public policy issues across the weather, water, and climate sciences. In addition to the lineup of keynote speakers and discussions there will be the following activities for students: Student Enterprise Keynote: Dr. DaNa Carlis, NOAA Global Systems Laboratory, Deputy Director -- Career Journey: Science, Policy, and Leadership […]
NCAS-M PD Series: PD Office Hours
Professional Development Office Hours Office hours provide a dedicated follow-up time for students to meet with professional development experts for individualized support. Complete Sign-Up Form for Office Hours
NCAS-M P.I. May Meeting
Monthly administrative meeting for the lead investigators per member institutions to come together and discuss administrative issues.
NCAS-M PD Series: LinkedIn and Branding
LinkedIn & Professional Branding Students will explore the importance of personal branding in career navigation and mobility. This workshop will teach proven strategies for successful social media and offline branding as a STEM subject-matter expert (SME). Students will also engage in interactive activities for understanding their personal brand and identifying their target market within and […]
NCAS-M PD Series: Workforce Changes
Workforce Changes: Dealing with Life After COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more important than ever for students and graduates to adapt their skills and roles to an ever-changing workforce. This workshop is designed to help students learn how to adapt to rapidly changing conditions to remain competitive and ready for new roles and […]
NCAS-M PD Series: PD Office Hours
Professional Development Office Hours Office hours provide a dedicated follow-up time for students to meet with professional development experts for individualized support. Complete Sign-Up Form for Office Hours
NCAS-M Investigator Monthly Progress Report Due
Monthly Progress Report Due for Activities occurring for the month of May 2021.
NCAS-M P.I. June Meeting
Monthly administrative meeting for the lead investigators per member institutions to come together and discuss administrative issues.
NCAS-M Investigator Monthly Progress Report Due
Monthly Progress Report Due for Activities occurring for the month of June 2021.
NCAS-M P.I. July Meeting
Monthly administrative meeting for the lead investigators per member institutions to come together and discuss administrative issues.
NOAA Direct Hire Webinar
Summary: NOAA received direct hire authority through the Conservation Service Corps Act of 2019. This authority allows NOAA to appoint program participants who have graduated in the past two years directly into federal positions through a simpler and more direct process. Alumni of NCAS-M may be able to apply for several positions. Please join the […]
2021 NCAS-M Virtual Center-wide Professional Development Workshop
Overview: The 2021 NCAS-M Virtual Center-wide Professional Development (PD) Workshop will consist of 4 ½ days of professional and career development trainings designed to develop strategies and approaches to increase student learning and future career professional development opportunities. The workshop will ensure that all students being supported receive a common experience and core competencies designed to improve professional skills in the future work environment with an emphasis on the NOAA workforce. […]
NCAS-M Investigator Monthly Progress Report Due
Monthly Progress Report Due for Activities occurring for the month of July 2021.
NCAS-M P.I. August Meeting
Monthly administrative meeting for the lead investigators per member institutions to come together and discuss administrative issues.
2021 SubX Current and Potential Users Forum
The NOAA Weather Program Office is hosting the 2021 Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) Current and Potential Users Forum August 24 - 26, 2021. The goals of this virtual workshop are to encourage sharing of practices among SubX users, and to identify barriers to adoption by new users. Each day of the workshop will feature plenary sessions […]
NCAS-M Investigator Monthly Progress Report Due
Monthly Progress Report Due for Activities occurring for the month of August 2021.