2021 NCAS-M Annual Meeeting
The Future of NCAS-M: Producing highly trained underrepresented professionals for the NOAA mission enterprise NCAS-M is hosting the 2021 Annual Meeting August 26-27. Overview and Objectives Engage a diversity of NOAA leadership, laboratories, new initiatives, and programs to facilitate the development of new opportunities to advance the Center’s performance and value to NOAA. Strengthen NCAS-M's […]
Center-wide Student Orientation Webinar (New Students)
Agenda A. Welcome and Introductions a. Roles and Responsibilities B. NCAS-M 101 C. NCAS-M Student Handbook D. Expectations, Policies, and Procedures E. Website F. Upcoming Events / Center Calendar G. Other Announcements
Center-wide Student Orientation Webinar (Returning Students)
Agenda A. Welcome and Introductions a. Roles and Responsibilities B. NCAS-M 101 C. NCAS-M Student Handbook D. Expectations, Policies, and Procedures E. Website F. Upcoming Events / Center Calendar G. Other Announcements
NERTO Webinar (Grad Students)
Virtual DCMore details are coming soon!
Communicating Science Workshop
Virtual DCAAAS Science Communication and Public Engagement Fundamentals Workshop What: The objective of this workshop is to develop the NCAS-M core competency of communicating science. Register in advance at: attendee.gototraining.com/r/263903000017456897 After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training. If this is your first time using GoToTraining, please click on the “Test your […]
Monthly Focus Group Meeting
Virtual DCThe purpose of the Research Focus Group (RFG) is to enhance research collaboration, synergy, and cross-pollination amongst the different disciplines, to ensure the very best performance from all our students, consistent with the objectives of NCAS-M and our sponsor (NOAA). All NCAS-M Fellows and Faculty are expected to attend. The fall presentations by faculty will […]
NOAA EPP/MSI & Hollings Scholarship Program Informational Webinar
This webinar will provide undergraduate students with information to prepare competitive applications for the following NOAA undergraduate scholarship programs: Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship 2021 NCAS-M ETSP interns are encouraged to attend. View OED Webinar Flyer
Everything the Atmosphere Touches
Everything the Atmosphere Touches: Student Opportunities at NCAR | UCAR | UCP This free virtual NCAR Explorer Series conversation will explore student opportunities at NCAR | UCAR | UCP with student program coordinators and internship alumni. Register for this virtual event
Robotic Revolution: Recent Work in Earth System Observing with Remotely-piloted Aircraft
NCAR EOL and RAL are hosting a joint seminar talk by Dr. Gijs de Boer, Research Scientist III at CIRES CU Boulder & NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory. Watch the live broadcast. All participants will access the seminar via the webcast link and utilize Slido during the seminar for questions. The talk will be recorded and […]
Monthly Focus Group Meeting
Virtual DCThe purpose of the Research Focus Group (RFG) is to enhance research collaboration, synergy, and cross-pollination amongst the different disciplines, to ensure the very best performance from all our students, consistent with the objectives of NCAS-M and our sponsor (NOAA). All NCAS-M Fellows and Faculty are expected to attend. The fall presentations by faculty will […]
AGU Fall Meeting
New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LAAGU Fall Meeting is the primary gathering for Earth and space scientists, students, and those in affiliated fields to share scientific findings and identify innovative solutions. With in-person and worldwide online participation, attendees will have numerous opportunities to network with government regulators, scientific visionaries, and industry thought-leaders. Join our diverse community in New Orleans and Online Everywhere. 13 - 17 […]
2022 AAAS Communicating Science Workshop: Jan. 14
NCAS-M will host American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Communicating Science Workshops on January 14th and 21st from 1:00 - 4:00pm ET. AAAS Communicating Science workshops provide participants with training and support to effectively engage the public. AAAS workshops give scientists and engineers opportunities to reflect on their public engagement interests and experience […]
CGD Seminar: Dan Wildcat – Returning Ancient Wisdom to the Earth Sciences
The Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) is part of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The CGD Seminar Series allows students to present on their research, and occurs from September through May. Returning Ancient Wisdom to the Earth Sciences (Dan Wildcat) This presentation will suggest that not only is much gained with the inclusion […]
2022 AAAS Communicating Science Workshop: Jan. 21
NCAS-M will host American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Communicating Science Workshops on January 14th and 21st from 1:00 - 4:00pm ET. AAAS Communicating Science workshops provide participants with training and support to effectively engage the public. AAAS workshops give scientists and engineers opportunities to reflect on their public engagement interests and experience […]