Stephen Solimine Cohort 1SUNY AlbanyAtmospheric Sciences, Doctoral StudentRemote Sensing Technologies
Shadya Sanders, Doctoral candidate Shadya Sanders Cohort 1Howard UniversityAtmospheric Sciences, Doctoral StudentSocietal Impacts of Severe WeatherAlan Gerard, OAR/NSSL
Robert McAfee Cohort 1, AlumniUniversity of Texas, El PasoPhysics, Master's Degree StudentSatellite TechnologiesBob Rabin – OAR/NSSL
Mussie Kebede Cohort 1, AlumniHoward UniversityAtmospheric Sciences, Master's Degree StudentSevere WeatherGeoff Manikin
Miguel Cortez Cohort 1, AlumniUniversity of Texas at El PasoPhysics, Master's Degree StudentRemote Sensing Technologies
Keon Gibson Cohort 1, AlumniJackson State UniversityMeteorology, Undergraduate StudentNumerical Weather Forecasting
Kendall Dawkins Cohort 1, AlumniUniversity of Maryland Baltimore CountyPhysics, Undergraduate StudentPBL Observational Technologies
Kafayat Olayinka Cohort 1Howard UniversityAtmospheric Sciences, Doctoral StudentCirrus Cloud Climatology
Jaylond Harvey Cohort 1. AlumniJackson State UniversityMeteorology, Undergraduate Student Numerical Weather Forecasting
Janae Elkins Cohort 1, AlumniJackson State UniversityMeteorology, Undergraduate Student Numerical Weather ForecastingWilliam Parker – NWS/ Jackson WFO
Daniel Yeager, PhD Cohort 1, AlumniHoward UniversityAtmospheric Sciences, Doctoral StudentAtmospheric Chemistry
Damian Emerson Cohort 1, AlumniUniversity of Maryland Baltimore CountyChemical Engineering, Undergraduate StudentPBL Observational Technologies
Catherine Liu Cohort 1, AlumniSan Jose State UniversityMeteorology, Master's Degree StudentClimate ModelingMelinda Marquis – OAR/ESRL
Cassandra Shivers-Williams, PhD Cohort 1, AlumniHoward UniversitySocial Psychology, Doctoral StudentSocietal Impacts of Severe Weather
Arianna Jordan Cohort 1, Cohort 3, AlumniSan Jose State University & Howard UniversityMeteorology (Undergraduate Student) & Atmospheric Sciences (Master's Degree Student)Extreme Weather Forecasting